A software design and test guideline for C++ project
To make large scale C++ software project in good shape is not an easy job, especially when you have a pretty big development team that may form multiple sub-...
To make large scale C++ software project in good shape is not an easy job, especially when you have a pretty big development team that may form multiple sub-...
Building time is always a big concern for large scale C/C++ based software projects, there’ve been a lot of outstanding tools invented to relief the pain, CM...
很多C++项目中都存在一个能够异步调度任务的基础库;大部分这样的库都是用老的C++语言(98/03)写成的,要么模板元语法满天飞外加各种黑魔法导致维护困难, 要么是采用传统的宏方式导致维护困难,布满各种隐患。既然C++11/C++14提供了更好用的武器,我也耐不住手痒自己实现一个。
静态、强类型而又不带垃圾收集的编程语言领域内,很久没有新加入者参与竞争了,大概大部分开发者认为传统的C/C++的思路已经不太适合新时代的编程需求,即便有Ken Tompson这样的大神参与设计的golang也采用了GC的思路来设计其新一代的语言;一方面垃圾收集技术和即使编译技术一直在发展和完善,另一方面是大量的未...
C++社区的第二届编程语言社区活动CppCon2015落下了帷幕;作为C++语言的发明人和灵魂人物, Stroustroup和Herb Sutter一起宣布他们正工作与一个基于现代C++核心语言的编程规范(Core Guidelines)并发布 在GitHub上,并立即引起了轰动。