ruby的blocks和closure特性明显有别于其它的语言,其closure本身是real closure,所绑定的context是共享的而非copy,其设计思路和lisp的相同;blocks本身则可以用于实现closure。二者的关系如下所述 link
Yukihiro Matsumoto You can reconvert a closure back into a block, so a closure can be used anywhere a block can be used. Often, closures are used to store the status of a block into an instance variable, because once you convert a block into a closure, it is an object that can by referenced by a variable. And of course closures can be used like they are used in other languages, such as passing around the object to customize behavior of methods. If you want to pass some code to customize a method, you can of course just pass a block. But if you want to pass the same code to more than two methods — this is a very rare case, but if you really want to do that — you can convert the block into a closure, and pass that same closure object to multiple methods.
- 隐式传入,内部用yield调用
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- &block 参数传递
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- &block传入,保存block为变量,然后调用
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这里的block被显式的保存到一个instance variable中(这里是main对象), 后续在调用点的可以之间使用变量的call方法来延迟调用。
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- lambda
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- method
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return 行为
closure_return.rb (closure_return.rb) download 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
def implicit_yield begin puts "before yield" yield puts "after yield" rescue Exception=>e puts "failure: #{e.class}: #{e}" end end x = 2 implicit_yield { x += 2 return x } def call_closure(closure) begin puts "before calling #{closure}…" ret = puts "called #{closure} result:#{ret}" rescue Exception => e puts "during #{closure} failure: #{e.class}: #{e}" end end def test_method() return "test method" end call_closure( { return "value for"} ) call_closure(proc { return "value from proc"} ) call_closure(lambda { return "value from proc" } ) call_closure(method(:test_method))
skyscribe:~/program/octopress/source/downloads/code$ ruby closure_return.rb before yield failure: LocalJumpError: unexpected return before calling #<Proc:0x8ad05f4@closure_return.rb:31>... during #<Proc:0x8ad05f4@closure_return.rb:31> failure: LocalJumpError: unexpected return before calling #<Proc:0x8ad0478@closure_return.rb:32>... during #<Proc:0x8ad0478@closure_return.rb:32> failure: LocalJumpError: unexpected return before calling #<Proc:0x8ad0310@closure_return.rb:35 (lambda)>... called #<Proc:0x8ad0310@closure_return.rb:35 (lambda)> result:value from proc before calling #<Method: Object#test_method>... called #<Method: Object#test_method> result:test method
- lambda/method表现出真正的closure行为,仅仅返回closure本身;外部调用控制流不受影响,继续yield或者call的下一语句执行
- 其它几种会跳出外部调用者的控制流,即return出调用者,yield/call之后的也不会再执行,直接跳出到最近的end外
arity – 参数个数校验
closure_return.rb (closure_arity.rb) download 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
def call_with_less_args(closure) begin puts "arity = #{closure.arity}" puts "less args for #{closure} also work" rescue Exception => e puts "too few args for #{closure} throw #{e.class}: #{e}" end end def call_with_more_args(closure) begin puts "arity = #{closure.arity}",2,3,4,54,56,67) puts "more args also work for #{closure}" rescue Exception => e puts "too many args for #{closure} throw #{e.class}: #{e}" end end def test_method(x,y) puts x,y end call_with_less_args( {|x,y|}) call_with_less_args(proc {|x,y|}) call_with_less_args(lambda {|x,y|}) call_with_less_args(method(:test_method)) call_with_more_args( {|x,y|}) call_with_more_args(proc {|x,y|}) call_with_more_args(lambda {|x,y|}) call_with_more_args(method(:test_method))
skyscribe:~/program/octopress/source/downloads/code$ ruby closure_arity.rb arity = 2 less args for #<Proc:0x9ecffb4@closure_arity.rb:25> also work arity = 2 less args for #<Proc:0x9ecff14@closure_arity.rb:26> also work arity = 2 too few args for #<Proc:0x9ecfe9c@closure_arity.rb:27 (lambda)> throw ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) arity = 2 too few args for #<Method: Object#test_method> throw ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) arity = 2 more args also work for #<Proc:0x9ecfbe0@closure_arity.rb:30> arity = 2 more args also work for #<Proc:0x9ecfb7c@closure_arity.rb:31> arity = 2 too many args for #<Proc:0x9ecfb18@closure_arity.rb:32 (lambda)> throw ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (7 for 2) arity = 2 too many args for #<Method: Object#test_method> throw ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (7 for 2)
- lambda/method严格校验参数的个数,如果不匹配回抛出异常
- 其它几个不检查参数个数
- lambda/method方式呈现完备的closure行为,return之后继续下一流程,对于实际传入参数个数会在调用点检查
- proc/blocks方式在return的时候直接返回了外部的函数或者block,对于传入的参数个数也没有执行检查。